• Electrical tape and extension cords

    This cable came in as part of a whole bunch of other stuff from an IT company.

    Not sure why someone would want to make one of these.  A mains plug to IEC connector cable is pretty easy to get hold of.  We get them as new and used by the millions – well lots anyway.

    The taped up joint is a bit dodgy!  The Electricity (Safety) Regulations 2010 says that cables are unsafe if they “are inadequately protected against the risk of damage by the nature of their covering or their method of installation”.  The AS/NZS 3760 In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment standard says that tape should not be used, and I would agree on that point.

    The wires were soldered and heatshrinked under the tape so it is not as bad as some of the others that I have seen.