• Televisions

    We accept CRT type televisions and monitors for repair. We no longer accept flat screen televisions for repair.

    We charge an inspection fee when they are dropped off to us.  This fee goes towards the final repair charge.

    Our technicians are trained and experienced, and are registered as Electrical Appliance Service-persons. All work is carried out in accordance with the Electrical (Safety) Regulations 2010.

    We also recycle televisions.

    Identifying your television

    • If it is older than about fifteen years, is heavy, has an outward curving glass screen and it if it is as deep as it is high then it is a CRT television.
    • If is has clearly visible white line on the screen it is a plasma television.  They are heavier than LCD televisions.
    • If the screen has a matte black appearance it is likely to be an LCD television.  It may have CCFLs or LEDs for the backlighting.
    • An LED television (as opposed to an LCD television with LED backlighting)  is newer than LCD models.  Some have an inward curving screen.