• Electric pencil sharpeners – what next?

    I have asked the question of how much technology do we really need in a previous post.  I now have to question the need for electric pencil sharpeners.

    Why bother with electric pencil sharpeners?
    Image: Wikimedia Commons

    So what is hard about sharpening pencils? What is wrong with the low tech options of a hand cranked model?  Even that is overkill in my opinion.  The small hand operated type works just fine.

    An electric pencil sharpeners needs all sorts of materials that need to be mined,  transported, refined, transported again, manufactured into the final product, shipped around the world, and then purchased by the customer.  And what happens to it when it is at the end if its useful life?  It should be recycled but at present that is not likely to happen here in so-called clean-green New Zealand.  An electric pencil sharpener also contains embodied energy, a proportion of which will be from fossil fuels.

    So here we are, squandering the future of Earth on unnecessary items such as electric pencil sharpeners.