As a service to our customers and to the general public Ecotech Services has produced the following articles and lists (primarily from a New Zealand perspective):
- Batteries
- Circular economy
- Climate change
- Conflict minerals – a serious humanitarian issue relating to the manufacturing of electronics devices
- Electrical safety – something we must all be mindful of
- Electronic waste (e-waste) – an environmental issue with global effects
- E-scrap – essentially e-waste that is recycled
- E-waste
- Glossary – terminology relating to electronics, e-waste and e-scrap
- Mercury – a toxic heavy metal
- Microwave ovens – general information
- Nanotechnology
- Plastics
- Polystyrene
- Polychlorinated biphenyls – a pollutant found in electrical equipment
- Product stewardship – background information for what is seen as the best option in addressing some waste issues
- Recalls – a list of appliances subjected to recalls or prohibition orders
- Recycling
- Repairs
- Repair versus refurbishment – an explanation on how they can differ
- Scams – a list of scams relating to technology
- Stolen goods
- Warranties – technical and legislative information