• Spam from .click addresses

    We get a huge amount of spam emails even though we have spam filters and often add entries into an extensive blacklist.  Recently we have been getting spam from .click addresses.

    Given that they are all promotional spam we have decided to block the complete .click gTLD.  They are sold for as low as $1.80 making them attractive to spammers.

    The .click gTLD was launched in 2014 but they only began to appear in our email inboxes from this year.

  • Parcel tracking emails

    We order parts from all over New Zealand and overseas to do our repairs and refurbishments. Some of the companies that we deal with just send the stuff and assume that we will get it. And I am more than happy with that. Other companies send us a whole stack of automated emails telling us the progress of the shipment.

    We ordered some electrical switches from Mitre 10. (Interestingly they are cheaper to buy from Mitre 10 than from our electrical wholesaler.  But that is a story for another day.) We got SIX emails about the parcel from three different sources!

    Mitre 10 emails

    We don’t need ANY emails about the parcel delivery!  We will just assume it will turn up and if it doesn’t we will then look up the tracking information.  It is bad enough that our email inboxes are flooded with spam and scam messages!